To zip you forward to the present, I'm now about 380 miles into the total trip and staying at a lovely Super 8 motel in Fallon, NV (home of the Fallon naval air station, and top gun apparently) My parents and my aunt have been escorting me through Nevada which has been awesome. Today was the first day being supported which was AMAZING after doing the Sierras lugging 65 pounds of weight in tow. I left Carson City this morning around 7am with some serious tailwind and was averaging about 20 mph the whole way to Fallon. My total mileage for the day was 112 miles which should put me on good pace for the trek to Austin, NV tomorrow. For th ose that know me, the fact that I mispaced my wallet is no huge surprise, but it did provide a fair bit of anxiety around here for about 2 hours. Legs are still holding strong and spirits are high. I'm not sure what the highs were today... but it seemed hot and my stellar tan lines can prove it.
Here are some photos below to document some of the fun times.
So Somerset is one of the small towns on day 3 between shingle springs and bear lake (until I hit the rockies, I will refer to that day as the "slog day" as I spent 11 hours slogging up and down the hills for 11 hours at about 5 mph. But this guy here seemed to be down on his luck, as he was asking everyone going into the store for work and odd jobs. He came and chatted with me and let me know he just needed a way to get his can of beans open so he could eat his breakfast. I had no job, but I did carry a can opener. Once I opened the can, he kept saying to me "you're the dude!", he said it at least six times... so there you have it. carry a can opener, and you too can become the dude.
Here is me jumping because 8575' sounded like a more round number to be at...and... that the first mountain range of the trip was OVER!
Did I mentioned that it hailed? it hailed. on the same day as the photos above... strange.
Goodbye budget crisis and Prop 13. Hello gambling and no property taxes!
That's it for now. In the meanwhile, I wanted to say a big hello and thank you to everyone who's still reading and supporting! Hope to report in from eastern NV or western UT soon!